The art of literature is placed emphasis on with our Wells-Suite. Since, what is the best holiday without a good book?

In cooperation with the author of best-sellers Benedict Wells, renowned for his acclaimed novels “Hard Land”, “Almost Ingenious”, “Beck´s Last Summer” and “Crank”, the Wells-Suite was created, which is dedicated to literature. Apart from his three novels you can choose from more than 30 books personally selected by Wells himself. Let yourself immerse in the exciting world of literature.

The classy interior with materials such as leather, cherrywood, natural stone and stainless steel as well as fine fabrics was designed in collaboration with Benedict Wells and caters for the guest´s well-being.

Warm earth tones ranging from mud shades to shell and light white and off-white colours describe the colour palette of the rooms. A modern furnishing and architectural straightness merge with the allure of the historical hotel building. Oak timbers at the ceiling, which are more than two hundreds years old, were restored and characterize the harmonious conjunction of modernity and antiqueness.
For an extraordinary sleeping comfort the bedroom contains a double bed with mattresses exclusively equipped with an air pump technique allowing an individual adjustment to the resting body. The specific degree of hardness can be set easily with a remote control, which activates a perfect support for the body leading to a more relaxing and healthier sleep. The entire suite consists of a bedroom, one living room with kitchenette, corridor as well as a bathroom with tub and shower. Cosy reading corners invite to chill out with a nice book.

Or enjoy our books as a short bedtime reading, during a long reading afternoon or relaxation hour, outdoors in nature or just occasionally.

Benedict Wells wurde 1984 in München geboren. Im Alter von sechs Jahren begann seine Reise durch drei bayerische Internate. Nach dem Abitur 2003 zog er nach Berlin. Dort entschied er sich gegen ein Studium und widmete sich ganz dem Schreiben. Mit diversen Nebenjobs bestritt er seinen Lebensunterhalt. Sein vielbeachtetes Debüt „Becks letzter Sommer“ erschien 2008 und wurde mit dem bayerischen Kunstförderpreis ausgezeichnet. „Spinner“ (2009), seinen ersten Roman, schrieb er mit neunzehn Jahren. Sein vierter Roman „Vom Ende der Einsamkeit“ stand mehr als anderthalb Jahre auf der Bestsellerliste und wurde u.a. mit dem European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) 2016 ausgezeichnet sowie bislang in 27 Sprachen übersetzt. Wells lebt in Berlin und Bayern.

Die Werke von Benedict Wells sind im Diogenes Verlag publiziert.